BIOfutures 21/04/22
Hear Royal College of Art Senior Tutor Dr. Carolina Ramirez-Figueroa and our founder Melissa Sterry discussing how we might teach the skills needed to build biomaterial, biodesign, and other bio futures in our BIOfutures Instagram IG session.
BIOfutures recording
Hear Fullgrown founders Alice and Gavin Munro, and our founder Melissa Sterry discuss growing the future of product, furniture and interior design in our BIOfutures Instagram IG session.
BIOfutures 14/04/22
Hear Biohm’s design director Oksana Bondar, fungal designer Rachel Horton-Kitchlew, and our founder Melissa Sterry discussing growing design with fungi in our BIOfutures Instagram IG session.
BIOfutures recording
Hear bioMATTERS’ cofounder Nancy Diniz and our founder Dr. Melissa Sterry discussing biofutures in product, furniture, and interior design in the recording of our BIOfutures Instagram IG session.
BIOfutures 07/04/22
Join us to hear Fullgrown founders Alice and Gavin Munro, and our founder Dr. Melissa Sterry discussing growing the future of product, furniture and interior design in our upcoming BIOfutures Instagram IG session.
BIOfutures 05/04/22
Join us to hear bioMATTERS’ cofounder Nancy Diniz and our founder Dr. Melissa Sterry discussing biofutures in product, furniture, and interior design in the next session in our BIOfutures Instagram IG series.
BIOfutures recording
Hear interdisciplinary artist Audrey Rangel Aguirre in conversation with Dr. Melissa Sterry discussing futures at the intersection of art, biology, and society in our latest BIOfutures Instagram IG session.
BIOfutures recording
Hear our founder and peers discussing BIOfutures in the built environment in our first Instagram IG series session…
BIOfutures IG series
Featuring seminal figures from fields including biodesign, biomaterials, biosensing, biocomputing, biomimetics, and more, we’re collaborating with partners and peers worldwide to deliver a series of Instagram IG live chats exploring all things biofutures.
BIOdesign creativeLAB
Join us for BIOdesign creativeLAB session on Clubhouse, featuring our founder Dr. Melissa Sterry with Prof. Rachel Armstrong, Prof. Claudia Pasquero, Maria Kuptsova, and Annick Saralegui.